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As part of a broader program of market reform, China's local governments are progressing an agenda of purchasing child welfare and other social services from the nongovernment sector, primarily to expand capacity and address vast unmet need. This paper draws on current research evidence to explore the approaches to purchasing emerging in China, examining the rationale for purchasing and models of supply, competition, and regulation. While some approaches are modeled on direct service contracting, direct purchasing of social service “posts” is also used, aimed at achieving goals of professionalization alongside service expansion. Overall, the review shows purchasing is helping to rapidly expand service scale and capacity; however, regulatory strategies for managing and mitigating risks to quality and access appear lacking. This highlights the need for further scholarship aimed at developing the robust risk management strategies which are required to support high quality, sustainable provision of purchased services.  相似文献   
张立辉  张友 《民族学刊》2019,10(6):17-22, 112-115
贵州省黔南州布依族苗族乡村聚居区在传统民族特色村寨保护与开发利用工作中取得了较大的成效,积累了大量的成功经验,但也存在一些问题及不足:民族特色村寨保护与开发意义的认知有待提升;政府对民族特色村寨保护与开发利用的刚性规划缺失;开发的民族特色村寨功能单一;黔南少数民族传统特色文化的总体情况呈现复兴、衰退和变异并存;民族特色文化精品的培育顶层支撑不足;民族特色村寨开发与传统民族文化融合度不够;对传统特色老旧民宅价值认识不足。针对以上问题,首先应着力提升黔南州民族特色村寨保护开发格局,争取纳入国家改革试验规划;其二,抓住大数据与智慧乡村建设的时机,率先推进民族地区乡村治理现代化示范;其三,创新投融资体制机制,构建“民族特色村寨资源资本化金融服务平台”;其四,探索乡村房屋租赁权跨区域流通的体制机制,不断提升农民的物权收益;其五,加大民族特色村寨品牌建设力度,增加特色村寨旅游产品附加值;其六,完善村寨文化资源资产化经营监管体系,构建村寨文化资源保护利用长效机制。  相似文献   
The sexual health problems experienced by homeless youth bring into question their use of available sexual health services. Using a qualitative typological analysis, this study aims to identify sexual health services utilization profiles for homeless youth, and to understand the role of the homeless experience on the utilization of sexual health services. Individual interviews were conducted with 33 homeless youth (17 men, 16 women) between 18 and 25?years of age. Typological analysis identified four profiles: (1) a targeted use of sexual health services to determine one’s serological status following a relational change during the homeless experience; (2) a limited use of sexual health services to manage sexual emergencies that arise during the homeless experience; (3) a regular use of sexual health services to avoid the risks associated with the homeless experience; (4) a frequent use of sexual health services to obtain support when engaging in prostitution during the homeless experience. This study shows that the precarious and unstable conditions within the homeless experience incite youth to utilize sexual health services in different ways. These findings point to the importance of rethinking sexual health services to better adapt them to the different utilization profiles of homeless youth.  相似文献   
运用超越对数SFA模型测算1994—2016年中国15个小麦主产地区成本效率,继而构建空间杜宾计量模型考察农业机械化服务对小麦生产成本效率的直接影响与空间溢出效应。结果表明:中国小麦生产成本效率仍存在17.3%的损失;农业机械化服务对小麦成本效率具有正向显著的直接效应和空间溢出效应,即本区域农机化水平对其他区域小麦成本效率有显著的正向影响;从空间维度来看,农业机械化的空间溢出效应主要表现在经度相近地区之间,纬度相近地区之间并不显著;从时间维度看,2004年前后农业机械化的空间溢出效应具有明显差异,2004年之后空间溢出效应更加明显。据此提出农机补贴向农机服务组织倾斜,建设和推广农机信息平台以及作物种植沿经度布局的政策建议。  相似文献   
海南省某企业在其招聘广告中要求劳动者承诺终身服务,涉及服务期规则的适用问题。现行《劳动合同法》存在对劳动者过度保护的倾向性,劳动者约束性条款数量较少。而服务期规则作为用人单位长期留用人才的唯一法律依托,存在着可设定服务期的事项范围过窄、违约金条款不具有应有惩罚性的问题。服务期规则的不健全把企业吸引和培育人才的手段引向异端。司法实践中出现了对现行服务期规则进行突破的裁判或未突破现行规则但裁判结果有违诚信原则的情况。针对现状,建议拓宽可设定服务期的事项范围、改进违约金规则使其具有惩罚性来保障企业人力资本投入上的合理利益,同时规定最长服务期限来维护劳动者基本权益,从而最大限度地维持劳资双方利益平衡。  相似文献   
Studies have mostly examined mental health service use of older Asian immigrant combining all Asian Americans into one group whereas immigration backgrounds and socioeconomic status of each Asian minority group are different. Therefore, this study aimed to identify predictors of mental health service use within specific ethnic groups among older Asian adults focusing on Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, and Vietnamese in California. The Behavioral Model for Vulnerable Populations (BMVP) is used to guide the secondary data analysis of a sample of 3,453 older Asian immigrants from the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS). Logistic and linear regression analyses are performed to examine predictors of mental health service use and the frequency of mental health service use, respectively. As results, mental health‐seeking patterns differ by ethnicity within the older Asian immigrant sample, not being married (Korean), higher levels of acculturation (Filipino), lower levels of neighborhood cohesion (Korean and Vietnamese), higher levels of perceived safety (Korean) and lower levels of perceived safety (Vietnamese), higher levels of mental distress (Korean and Filipino), and having perceived need (all) were related to more visits for mental health services. The study findings highlight the necessity of cultural competency services and programs for each Asian ethnicity.  相似文献   
作者通过主持《雷公山国家森林公园总体规划》和《雷公山国家森林公园详细规划》,对雷公山森林公园内的苗族文化资源进行了认真调查与分析。为了多层面地呈现出苗族原始文化的色彩斑和神秘,充分体现雷公山作为“苗疆圣地"、“苗疆民族中心"和“自然人文博物馆"的古朴淳厚、绚丽多彩的民族风情和资源地位,作者对苗族文化资源的开发利用进行了深入研究,并且设计了开发利用属于物质文明的民族服饰文化、苗锦艺术、蜡染艺术、银饰艺术、手工艺艺术、民居建筑文化、饮食文化、医药文化、森林与农耕文化;属于精神文明的宗教与民俗文化、歌舞文化、节日文化、娱乐与体育竞技文化、民间传说文化;属于政治文明的苗族社会组织文化和栽岩文化等16个方面的具体方案与措施。  相似文献   
本文通过研究移动数据业务国际漫游与互通情况,分析了目前已经投入商用的SMS和MMS数据业务的国际漫游与互通方案,最后提出了从移动通信国际标准合作、运营商之间合作、用户使用等三个方面来解决移动数据业务国际漫游与互通问题。  相似文献   
社会组织参与养老服务是推动养老服务多元化发展的必由之路,也是推进国家治理体系和国家治理能力现代化的题中之义。基于参与式治理理念,可从制度环境、主体类型、实践方式三个方面构建社会组织参与养老服务的基本逻辑框架。从制度环境看,社会组织参与养老服务具有宏观制度环境开放鼓励、微观制度环境渐趋宽松、制度执行环境模糊约束的含混性特征,需要进一步优化制度环境才能更好地激发社会组织活力。从主体类型看,参与养老服务的社会组织主体类型可以划分为养老服务供给型社会组织和支持型社会组织,分别强调其专业服务优势和多元资源支持。从实践方式看,社会组织主要通过承办社区居家养老服务、运营机构养老服务、开展志愿养老服务、组织互助养老服务等直接方式,以及政策参与、资源动员、行业自律等间接方式参与养老服务建设。  相似文献   
采用“两步法”研究了农机服务发展与中国粮食生产效率的关系.基于2004-2016年全国31省份粮食生产投入产出的面板数据,利用变系数随机前沿分析方法测算了中国粮食生产的技术变化、技术效率以及全要素生产率,然后构建农机服务发展影响粮食生产效率的OLS回归模型.结果表明:(1)31省份粮食生产的投入要素产出弹性和技术效率存在明显差异,2008年粮食技术变化最为明显,粮食全要素生产率的增长在2008年高达5%.(2)农机服务在2008年以后对粮食全要素生产率的增长具有显著的促进作用,农机服务对粮食TFP的作用存在一定的滞后效应.(3)农机服务发展与劳动产出弹性具有替代关系,与化肥和机械产出弹性具有互补关系.在三大粮食作物中,小麦机械化程度最高,水稻和玉米的机械化程度还有待提升.  相似文献   
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